Hotel review: Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa


That may be the longest word I’ve ever typed.

The Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa’s name is about as long as the trek to get to it from the airport, but it’s a classic, waterfront hotel that can be enjoyed for just 25k Hilton Honors points per night.


Let’s call it Kal, short for Kalastajatorppa. Continue reading

5 entry-level travel hacks for smooth flying

After arriving at the airport recently with a few co-workers, we all headed for security, assuming we’d all checked in already.

One of us hadn’t, which made me realize: there are a few simple travel hacks that travel lovers take for granted, but that people who don’t care as much for traveling might not be aware of.


These hacks could make for much calmer sailing when it comes to air travel.

1. Check in to your flight ASAP.

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