Hilton HHonors Amex holders: This email ain’t no spam

A popular hotel credit card this year has been the Hilton HHonors no-fee card from American Express, due to its 75K-point signup bonus after only $1K in spend.

I signed up for this card before I realized how choosy I should be about picking up credit cards, but for a no-fee card that gets me lifetime Silver status with Hilton and access to Amex offers, I don’t regret it too much.

For those of you that have it, check your email for a little surprise: Continue reading

How to stay in really nice hotels for free

Now that Airbnb is in nearly 200 countries around the world, many people don’t even consider staying at hotels anymore.

Though you can usually get lodging for much cheaper with Airbnb than hotels, it’s not just for budget travelers. Luxury travelers stay in luxury Airbnb houses and apartments. Whatever your budget, Airbnb allows you to live as a local.

A sort of free version of Airbnb is Couchsurfing.com, where you can request to stay with locals who share their couch, air mattress or spare room for free. This really works best if you are willing/able to share your couch as well when visitors come to your town.

If you prefer hotels, here are some things you can do to get extremely high-quality lodging for free on your next trip:

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